Flipped Lesson


    • Classroom communication - share daily routines between teachers and grade levels in a building.

You will be creating a video to communicate a classroom routine or expectation for your students.

The Tool: Powtoon.com

Lesson: This is a 7 minute video. You will have 30 minutes in class to work on your project in the learning activity. After watching the video, participate in our online discussion using the link below the video!

Discussion Board after watching the video

Learning Activity:

It's your turn to create a video. You must use at least four separate video segments to communicate a classroom routine to your students, explained in the lesson above. You will submit the link to your Powtoon video on YouTube below.

Submit video link here:


We will all be sharing our classroom routine videos and having a Google Hangout on Air to share how those classroom routines develop throughout the year.